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Coach Kern Top 3

Top 3 Picks- Movement- Podcast- Nutrition

Simply Healthy with Coach Kern


KT Tape!! Drug Free Pain Relief

I talk about KT tape- Or kinesiology Tape if you will, a lot with my private clients, other athletes and family.

Tan and I are often helping tape one another up after a long week, event or when dealing with a nagging muscle strain or a tweak. We love this stuff and KT is one of the best brands we have found to use.

Pain, soreness, or injury in muscles, tendons, or ligaments can be very off putting to movement and limit your daily life or fitness routine. KT Tape is amazing and designed to provide drug-free pain relief and flexible support to help keep you and your muscles active and recovering. If you love an active lifestyle and movement is your priority, but pain, post-workout muscle soreness, or injury are constantly keeping you from your daily movement or goals, KT Tape is what we would suggest for you to try.

KT tape is designed to offer our muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints some extra lightweight support. This helps with range of movement and a drug free approach to faster recovery and continuing to move. It's easy to apply and can be bought in pre-cut strips. As always consulting a professional when it comes to injury is the 1st choice and physical therapists are great to connect with for rehab and getting taped.

I suggest if your new to Kinesiology tape to find someone who has good knowledge and experience to help you get taped.

A few tips: Be sure to clean the area of skin to be taped, removing hair in that area is a great idea too for better adhesion and the tape to last days, plus avoiding an unpleasant removal. ;) KT Tape and Youtube have some great resources and info plus how to videos for literally every ailment you might be feeling in your body.

Train Longer. Finish Stronger. Try out KT Tape.

Have you used Kinesiology tape before? Drop a comment below and let us know how you used it?


Impact Theory- Tom Bilyeu

Crush Your Day with this Early Morning Routine

I love tuning into my weekly podcasts, today you can literally find a free podcast on anything! This weeks top listen for me was with Tom Bilyeu and helping me work on locking in a morning routine and how it can have huge impact on your day.

How is your morning routine? Are you crushing it everyday? Has your routine and morning habits fizzled lately? Maybe you’re one of the many struggling to find the right routine.

In this podcast Tom shares his morning routine and gives some great ideas that might help you get your morning on lock and set up to kick arse everyday. I love the idea that your day doesn't begin when we wake up, it actually begins the night before and having a solid sleep routine.

Learn more and create a new way to start your day here.


Magnesium- Essential for Human Health

What it is, why it’s essential for your health and best food sources to get you daily dose. Plus one of my favorite ways to bring my water back to life and top up on this precious mineral.

Magnesium is a mineral that you probably heard about last in science class and on the periodic table, labeled as Mg.

This mineral comes from many sources in nature and food, but is commonly know as a metal and found in rich soil along with copper and zinc which are also important nutrients.

Would you be surprised if I told you magnesium is involved in over 300 different vital chemical interactions and connections in the body? These pathways are so important for us to live in balance and feel good, all all the minerals Mg is possibly the most critical to maintain good health.

Yet 5 out of 10 people today are deficient in this essential mineral. Low magnesium intakes and blood levels have been associated with an impressive list of medical issues, including type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, elevated C-reactive protein, high blood pressure, atherosclerotic vascular disease, sudden cardiac death, osteoporosis, migraine headache and even colon cancer.

Other issues that may point to low magnesium status include fatigue, dizziness, confusion, anxiety, nausea, muscle cramps, poor memory and generalized weakness.

Wow, this really tells us magnesium throws a wide net in terms of the vast array of problems that can manifest when levels are low. And this is why it is so important to ensure that your magnesium score is where it needs to be.

So seeing why being low on magnesium has a massive impact on our over all health, let us see a bit more why it's so important. One of the important roles that magnesium plays is that it serves as a cofactor (meaning it is necessary for function) for over 325 enzymes in the human body, including all the enzymes that are involved in producing energy as well as manufacturing our DNA. In addition, it plays a key role in regulating the activity of muscles and nerves, immune function, how our hormones work and even how we metabolize our food.

With this understanding of the importance of magnesium, as well as the data showing that so many of us have suboptimal levels, it makes sense to recommend supplementation.

Before supplementation though I always suggest that getting as many of the vital minerals and vitamins our bodies need through food is the best first approach. As it comes in a balanced form and is used more efficiently by the body when comes from Nature and is chelated to organic, plant-based and animal foods.

Some of the best magnesium-rich foods to focus on include (percentages based on the RDA for adult women of 320 milligrams/day):

  • Spinach: 1 cup cooked = 157 milligrams (49 percent)

  • Swiss Chard: 1 cup cooked = 150 milligrams (47 percent)

  • Black Beans: 1 cup cooked = 120 milligrams (37 percent)

  • Mung Beans: 1 cup cooked = 97 milligrams (30 percent)

  • Almonds: ¼ cup = 97 milligrams (30 percent)

  • Cashews: ¼ cup = 91 milligrams (28 percent)

  • Potatoes: 1 large = 85 milligrams (26 percent)

  • Pumpkin Seeds: 1/4 cup = 42 milligrams (13 percent)

  • Avocado: 1 raw = 39 milligrams (12 percent)

  • Bananas: 1 banana = 37 milligrams (11 percent)

  • Broccoli: 1 cup cooked = 32 milligrams (10 percent)

  • Brussels Sprouts: 1 cup cooked = 32 milligrams (10 percent)

Bringing it back to one of my previous posts on Chocolate that gets an honorable mention here again today,

Dark Chocolate is very rich in magnesium, with 64 mg in a 1-ounce (28-gram) serving — that’s 16% of the RDI

Why I love chocolate.

If you looking for a boost of magnesium, as its hard to get all the nutrition our bodies need today from food alone, or your working out harder, having a hard time sleeping check out some of our favourites:

Garden Of Life: Dr. Formulated Whole Food Magnesium Drink Powder Raspberry Lemon

Pure Essences: Ionic-Fizzâ„¢ Magnesium Plusâ„¢ This mixes best with water. One great way to level up your H2O.

These are both Highly absorbable, gentle ionic magnesium.

PLUS all the co-factors needed to ensure full absorption.

My bonus for you to bring your water back to life and add in more than just magnesium is Trace Minerals Brand with Concentrace- trace mineral drops and my go to 40,000 Volts Electrolyte Concentrate. Reawaken your love for water and stay hydrated with these great solutions.

Check out another post on Trace Mineral Power Paks here:

Thanks for stopping by and come back in 10 days to see my next 3 top picks that are changing lives and could help you to live longer and with more vitality.

DISCLAIMER: The content in the website and on this webpage is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on a podcast or read on my website site.

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